Stories of our adventures! Posts on adventures, races, events as well as photos along the way.


Riding the Wiss

Wissahickon Valley Park in Philadelphia is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time. I’m sorry, “hate” is a strong word…I should say loathe. This trail system runs...


I’m going on vacation?

I haven’t taken a vacation in a while! I’m talking about a real vacation, where you travel somewhere to do nothing or something…let the chips fall where they may kind of trip. I’ve traveled...


2015 Round Top Enduro

I recently headed up to Round Top, NY for the 3rd Annual Round Top Enduro. I heard about how fun this event was last year so this year I wanted to check it out....


Eastern States Cup Enduro at Blue Mountain

You never know when you are going to experience a family emergency that’s why they call them emergencies. Unfortunately I experienced a situation the day before heading to Blue Mountain Bike Park in Palmerton,...